Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to Use AdWords - a Definitive Google Guide to the Content Network

You may have already been using Google Adwords, but have stayed away from the content network because you weren't sure how to use it properly, and were worried about losing money. Well, here is how you should be using AdWords, a definitive Google guide to using the Content Network.

First off, you should absolutely be using the Content Network; that's the first piece of advice in this AdWords definitive Google guide. But you have to make sure that you're doing it right. The Content Network is not the same as search, and you have to approach it in a different way.

Although I think that you should, at some point, use the Content Network, and that it definitely can help bring in new customers and make you money, if you are just starting out with AdWords, the definitive Google guide advice is to turn it off in the beginning. Instead, just concentrate on learning how to use search, what ads and landing pages work, and you're getting a profitable conversion rate out of it.

Now, here's an important tip from the AdWords definitive Google guide – don't assume that you aren't using the Content Network when you plan your first search campaign. The default setting in AdWords is for the Content Network to be ‘on', so you'll have to go in manually and make sure that it's turned off.

Which brings us to the most important tip in this AdWords definitive Google guide to the Content Network: when you are ready to run start using the Content Network, you need to do it as a completely different campaign from your other AdWords campaigns.

So start a new campaign, enable the Content Network, and disable search. Then, start out with your chosen list of sites, or categories, and start low. Bid at $.02 a click, and see how that runs for about a day or so. You'd be surprised at how many clicks you can get for that low rate on the Content Network, but that's the point of this Adwords definitive Google guide for the Content Network – to tell you things that you don't know.

Once you've started getting clicks from your Content Network campaign, start monitoring your conversion rate. Depending on how your ads are performing, you may want to either adjust your category list or change your cost per click. And that's the final point of this AdWords definitive Google Guide - by treating the Content Network as a separate campaign and using a different strategy, you will ensure that no money will be wasted.

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