Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Google AdWords How-To Tips

You may think that in order to make money using Google Adwords, that you need to spend a lot of money, but that simply isn't true. While it is a little harder to turn a profit than in the heyday when you could spend pennies and make thousands, if you follow the tips in this Google AdWords how-to guide, then you will be able to be successful without breaking the bank.

Here are the Google AdWords how-to tips that you need to know, whether you're just starting out, or if you've been using AdWords for a while.

Google AdWords How-To Tip #1: Make sure your ad is relevant to your keywords. It seems like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised at the amount of people who run the same ad over multiple keywords. It is imperative that you write a new ad for every keyword that you use, even if it's just a slight modification you make to the ad. When people search on something, they want to see those exact words in their search, and they won't click on an ad that doesn't match their search terms.

Google AdWords How-To Tip #2: Write good ads. While it is important that you use the keywords in your ad text, the ad must also be good. It has to be compelling, and it has to give the reader a reason to click on it over the other ads as well as the natural search results. So why should they choose you? You need to make your case, using your keywords, in very few words. If you can develop this skill, it will be a very valuable thing to have.

Google AdWords How-To Tip #3: Mix up your bidding strategy. Don't think that the same style of bidding applies to all situations. When you first start out, you may need to bid a little higher on the more competitive keywords because your click-through-rate and standing with Google isn't so high; but don't forget this Google Adwords how-to - as your standing with Google increases, to go back and lower your bids ñ there's no point in spending money when you don't have to. Conversely, you also need to bid differently on less popular keywords ñ in that case, you start low, and slowly increase your bid in small increments until you have the position you want on the first page of results. By increasing your bid slowly, you'll get the best possible placement for the least possible amount of money.

For more Google AdWords how-to tips, and if you want to get serious about PPC marketing and AdWords, Click HERE Now to claim your $1 FULL ACCESS to PPCKahuna Now!

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